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Innovation through Collaboration

Our Strategy

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To achieve our vision, we have developed a 2030 strategy that is aligned with the National Cyber Strategy and the strategic objectives of UKC3. Under each pillar are a set of activities which inform our business plan.




  • We will support London's cyber security eco-system to become a world-leader in innovation and sustainability.

  • We will develop strategic partnerships to deliver growth and attract inward investment.

  • We will create a knowledge hub for international collaboration, learning and information sharing.

  • We will support Londoners to develop the skills for tomorrow.

  • We will promote initiatives aimed at addressing the cybersecurity skills gap.

  • We will ensure London has the best talent available to tackle current and future cyber threats.

  • We will build a strong and forward-thinking community that is passionate about innovation.

  • We will connect organisations across London to develop and maintain a healthy ecosystem.

  • We will host regular events, seminars and forums to provide the community with the knowledge and skills they need to grow.

Our Strategic Outcomes

  • London recognised as a global leader in cyber security innovation.

  • Increased foreign investment in London's cyber ecosystem.

  • Skills gap reduced.

  • Londoners have the skills needed to embrace new technology.

  • London is less vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

  • London has a vibrant, connected and healthy cyber ecosystem with strategic partnerships across the globe.


Meet the Team

Cyber London is the recognised Cyber Cluster for London and supported by: 

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Website design by S&E Newman

(C) Copyright 2024

Cyber London Limited

162 Farringdon Road




Tel: 02078705755

Company No. 15080724

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